Thursday, September 20, 2012


Bonjour from Cannes!


We were all very excited as we were finally going to visit the Wood-Floyd's, our friends from Sumner that lost their house in the earthquake and decided to spend a year in France. They had moved from their house in the mountains and found a very cool house in Mougin Village (just above Cannes). They had only just moved in when we arrived so they were very kind to let us stay.


Mum and Woody cried when they saw each other and we were really happy to see Ella and Samuel. Woody said that we would be flat mates for the two weeks that we will be staying with them. We were all giggly and excited.


Woody had prepared the most amazing lunch (she is the most awesome chief) and while we swam in their new pool the parents all ate outside with friends of Floydos from London - Caroline and Charlotte . They surprised us by saying they had booked dinner in a fancy cafe in Monaco! We could not believe our ears!


Monaco is only 40 mins away on the motorway and it's like being in a different world! That place is seriously flash - you should have seen the cars! Our eyes were on stalks!! We were so sure we would see some famous movie stars but no... We ate at the Paris cafe right outside the famous Monte Carlo Casino. Kids were not allowed inside but by the end of the night we would be, but more about that later!


After dinner we all walked down to the harbor to watch the famous annual fireworks extravaganza. It lasted for half an hour and it was insane. We have never ever seen another as crazy as these. They were all done out on a pontoon in the water. Vi thought they were a little loud which they were but they were still cool.


Just as they were winding down - out of nowhere - they wind picked up and huge rain drops started to fall from the sky. Next minute a full on thunder storm and tornado hit Monaco. It was crazy - people started to run for their lives, screaming and yelling to take shelter. It was so freaky. Daddy took me, Woody, Ella and Sam but Mummy, Vi, Charlotte, Caroline and Floydo were separated from us in all the madness. We made it to the casino for shelter - they let kids in - but they had to shelter beside a building. The wind was way too strong to even walk. It lasted for 15 minutes then started to finish. We found each other but we we all completely soaked. We headed home after that but what an adventure! Mum's dress went completely see-through!


The next few days were spent exploring the artist village just behind the Wood-Floyd's new house and going into Cannes. We looked at shops and walked around the marina which had the most flashest boats in the world. We had never seen anything like them. We all chose our favorites.


We spent most of the days just swimming and enjoying in each other company! We also had two birthdays to plan for! Violet was turning 7 and Mummy 39 a day apart. Woody started cooking up a storm 3 days before hand. She truely is the best cook. We were all very excited.


Dad booked a beach club in the beach front in Cannes - it was so awesome as we got our own deck chairs, fluffy towels, shower and special lunch. Mummy was pretty happy. The meal we had was the best one we have ever had and we all chose our favourite dishes. We all enjoyed it so much. While we were the we were lucky to get to see a real life music video being made! It was a Dutch euro-pop band called The Dutchables. They were so cool and the girl had very cool outfits that she changed into. We got to meet them and they filmed us dancing on the beach! We might be on MTV!


The next day it was Violets turn. She was so excited and woke up early to open her presents. She had decided she wanted a 'Hello Kitty' party - its everywhere here and she loves it. She got heaps of stuff (all small as we still have to carry it home!). She was so happy. We had a really special lunch and played party games all afternoon. We did pass the parcel, egg and spoon races, the chocolate dress up game and disco in the rain!


Another day trip was over to the island just off the coast of Cannes. It has amazing beaches and a really old fort that has a very famous prison. The 'man in the iron mask' spent time there and we got to see his prison cell. It was very cold and dark with a hole for a toilet and a small fireplace. We all tried to imagine living there and could not. His true identity was never revealed and there are many rumors - one being that he was the twin brother of Louis XIV. He wrote lots of letters while he was inside, all in secret, and hid them in a tiny hole in the wall.


One thing that Woody and Mum did was get a fish pedicure. It was very weird and they said it felt so odd. They reckoned it was a gimmick and would not recommend doing it again - they also had a lot for the fish to nibble on but they hardly touched the surface - ewwwwwww.


After a great two weeks it was time to pack up again and say goodbye to our friends and also to France. Italy here we come! We are nervous but also excited! See you soon in Italy!!


Love from Isla and Violet xx



  1. Wow you guys are soooooo lucky to be travelling through those gorgeous places! A trip you will remember for the rest of your lives for sure! Lots of love to you all from us here in Auckland. The weather's just starting to feel like spring - today's a gorgeous sunny day, but a little fresh feeling LOL! Keep the stories and photos coming OK - love hearing and seeing what you're up to and what you experience and see each day. A big happy birthday to Vi and Mum! I was thinking of you xxxxx Love Aunty Mandy, Uncle Willy, Wiki, Laylah, Junia and William xxxxxx
