Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Bonjour from Paris!

We are arrived here after a train ride that went under the sea from London. When we left London the sun finally shined. We also got to see our cousins and Uncle Tim and Auntie Anna for the first time. We meet them on the train which was called the Eurostar.

When we arrived we all got into a huge taxi which dropped our family off first in an area called Marais. The cousins were staying with NZ friends in another part of Paris which was just a short walk away. We walked EVERYWHERE!

Our apartment that Mummy chose on the Internet was so cool. The only not cool thing was the 3 floors of stairs that where very old and skinny. Ours bags were not skinny. Luckily my Mum and Dad are strong.

It was small but on the top floor. We have huge windows that looked out into the neighborhood. We could also see the people who lived across the way in other apartments. He was funny as he danced in his apartment with his iPod on! We got the giggles. Very different to the way we live.

The next day we visited the Eiffel Tower - it was amazing. We all walked up as the queue was HUGE. It didn't matter as it didn't take that long. We have a birthday lunch up there are is was my cousin Jackie's birthday. He turned 3. He likes nutella crepes and being carried. I like how french people like nutella and baguettes. We reckon that baguettes will help our teeth come out.


After the tower (which had a special disco ball that was the size of nine buses because of Bastille Day being the next day) we visited a shop called Deyrolle. It has taxidermy animals of every kind! I could not believe it! It kinda made us sad as they all died to be stuffed but happy that the shop owners took such care with them too. In 2008 is was burned down and destroyed many of the animals, birds and insects but many Parisians got together to get money to make it all again. It is famous. You can even rent the animals for movies and parties! They were all on sale and Mummy wanted to buy the giraffe but Daddy said that it would be hard to send home!


The 14th of July was Bastille Day. The roads were all blocked and France showed off all their tanks, planes and army stuff. It was quite scary but cool too. That night we went on an boat trip at twilight - we tried so hard to stay up for the fireworks but because they wait for dark AND it's daylight saving we just couldn't do it. We heard them from our beds. They sent us to sleep.


We visited the Pompidou centre and thought it was a very astonishing building. They have different colored pipes for different things all on the outside of the building. Blue for air, green for liquids, yellow for electricity and orange for lifts and escalators. It's by modern for such an old city. It was bright colored weird fountains outside it - it's called Stravinskys fountains.


We chose to visit the Louvre which is one of the most famous museums in all the world as it houses one of the most famous paintings - The Mona Lisa or in French they call her La Joconde. 6 million people come to see her each year. We saw her and we think she was smiling at us!


We loved all the yummy French food and everyday we visited our favourite bakery. Yum yum yum.


One thing that was really cool was that outside our window a dove came and laid 2 eggs. We called her Maman. She was a very kind mummy bird and we tried not to scare her. We were sad to say goodbye to her!

On our last day we got the taxi again with our cousins to collect our car for traveling all around France. We can't wait!!!!

Love from Isla and Violet


1 comment:

  1. from Georgia - i love the stripey rainbow seats! was that on the train? And those macaroons look soooooo yummy! we are home from Fiji now. i will email you soon. Miss you, luv G.
