Tuesday, July 24, 2012

London part two

We are in France now so must catch up quickly!

Here is the second part of rainy London...

Isla at Mummy's favorite shop 'Kate Spade', convent garden shopping - big sales on! Quote from Mummy " it's so cheap it's basically free!" , us outside the theatre for Lion king which was amazing!
Secret surprise was that we got to see Pineapple dance studio but no Louie though...boo. Vi at the Harrods dog grooming palour, Isla with the statue that would scare people walking past! One I'd many designer phone booths that were around London for this special year of Olympics!,
It was very busy, hot and cold, rainy and sunny. We got to see so much but missed so much too. It was just so hard to fit it all in. Another time for sure.

Good bye London and Bonjour Paris!


Friday, July 13, 2012

London Part One

Hello from London! Isla here.

I have to break up London into parts because it was so busy.

Us rushing out to get a cab - AJ's driveway
We watched tennis at a cool park that had a huge TV screen, bouncy castle, giant tennis balls and yummy food. It was in Clapham. We went there after meeting our NZ friends who live in London.

Tabby, Frankie, Fergus, Eva, Mia, Ella, Rich, Daddy, Me and Vi
Giant ball!
Cool playground
Final of Wimbleton - Murray vs. Federer. Federer won!

We did a sightseeing tour on a big red double decker bus! It was cool being at the top looking down at all the famous shops and sights.

Mummy and Daddy in Trafalgar Square

We took tubes to get around London and also a boat and black cabs. They were really fun becasue we got to sit backwards!

Weeeeee - also spot the sticker on my dress. Those are the make-your-self-ones we brought from Hamleys!

It was very crowded at Buckingham palace because they had the changing of the guard. We couldn't see but Mummy put me on her shoulders and I could see almost perfectly. I got to pat a police horse. He was brown and very kind and not afraid of noise and all the people.


We went to the best toy shop in the world and it's called Hamleys. We got a cool sticker making set. Hamleys was 5 stories high and full of toys. It's also very old and started in 1760. I meet Kate, William and Harry there too! Just kidding - only their lego twins!


In the area where we stayed with AJ, Roscoe and Frankie they has a cafe which you could paint your own ceramic. First you choose what type of ceramic you want to paint (I chose a can money box and Violet chose a cupcake pot). It took agers to paint but it was extremely fun.


We had to wait two days for it to get fired and glazed in a kiln. They looked astonishing!

Part two to follow...


Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hello! Violet here and I'm going tell you about our trip to Singapore.

We stayed with the Hamiltons in their big house. It had 6 levels and it was tall and skinny. The best part was the pool!

Me and Lily - it was so hot!!
Me and Lily - it was so hot!!

The worst part was that I had tonsillitis and had to visit the Doctor! He gave me medicine which made me feel much better.

After that we went to a huge mall and did some shopping and we got to see a movie and it was Madagascar 3. I got an ugly doll which I called Doggy-Doe and got one called a ugly Charlie.

The next day we went to Singapore Zoo which was quite big. My best bit was was seeing a tiny monkey that was up a tree. He was so cute and was making sad faces to us. We wanted to take him home with with us!! The worst bit was that it rained so hard that we couldn't see all the animals and had to take the train. I got a fright then the thunder and lighting happened. I jumped in the air! I could see Isla and Monty running around screaming!

Monty, Lily, me and Isla arrive
Me at the pygmie Hippos - that means small!
Isla and Lily at the Australian enclosure
Just before the the heavy rain
Tapir - freaky!
The splash show
Zebras in the rain
Wet Isla
The map of the Zoo
Zebras in the rain

The next day we had to leave for London - our next adventure.

See you soon, love Violet


Sunday, July 1, 2012

A quick two weeks...

We have been to two fancy wineries while we have been in Blenheim.  One with my friend Coco and one with my family.

Me at Brancott Estate

Me and Vi at Brancott - fancy schamcy

Daddy with his food!

Coco and I are in the front of the photo

We have also liked starting back at Raparua School - it's been cool.  On the day of the term we had Wacky Hair and PJ day.  I had my hair teased up and sprayed with gold glitter, Violet had 23 clips in her hair and looked like Fancy Nancy.

Last day of term - brrrr it was cold!

Today we leave for Christchurch for one night only before we leave for Singapore on our big journey.  I am jumping with joy!!  It's going to be 30 degrees, so hot hot hot!

Love from Isla